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Main » 2006 » December » 6 » Africa Korps - God, It's Them Again EP (1987)
Africa Korps - God, It's Them Again EP (1987)
The best review for this comes from Dimitri T.Shepilov, Editor in Chief of Pravda, in the 50s: "All this nervous and insane Boogie Woogie are the wild orgies of cavemen...devoid of all elements of beauty and melody...representing an uncontrolled release of base passions, a burst of the lowest feeling and sexual urges."

Solomon Gruberger: vocals, lead guitar, rhythm guitar / Jay Gruberger: bass, lead guitar (3,6) / Kenne Gizmo Highland: vocals, lead guitar (1,2,4,7) / Marthat Hull: vocals (1,2,7) / Kenny Kaiser: drums, percussion (1,7) / Kim Kane (Slickee Boys): rhythm guitar, vocals (1,7) / Tommy Carr: drums (2)
recorded on august 14, 1982 - producers: S.Gruberger, J.Gruberger, K.Kane

Track listing
1.I'm lost in the sea of your love (part 1)
2.Nothings gonna change my life
4.Reno Mania
5.Don't spoil the cake
6.Cute little she devil
7.I'm lost in the sea of your love (part 2)

The Afrika Korps was formed in 1976 by three pioneers of the American DIY garage-punk movement Solomon Gruberger (O.Rex), Kim Kane (Slickee Boys) and Kenne Highland (Gizmos). All three had already released their own indie records at this point, and with the addition of Ken Kaiser on drums and 16 year old Jay Gruberger on bass, the Afrika Korps was a casually constituted underground supergroup whose fifteen-person lineup included fanzine writers, and other assorted Washington DC-area garagepunks. Their first LP 'Music to Kill By' boasts 22 songs (including the Slickee Boys' "Jailbait Janet," covers of the Kinks and Yardbirds, and such culturally profound outpourings as "Iggy," "Death to Disko!" and "N.Y. Punk.").
Reuniting on a smaller scale five years later, the Korps roared back into action with a punchy second album. Solomon Gruberger (who does a pretty good Joey Ramone imitation on "Tonight") shares lead vocal duties on the half-dozen songs with ex-Slickee Boys singer Martha Hull and SB guitarist Kim Kane. These recordings released as an 12"EP by the French label New Rose, in 1987.
As you may recall we used to have several singles and LPs from Kenne Highland and the Stanton Park gang. For the time being you can find them in 100 Mirrors, but soon we will have them here, along with new additions.

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 2610 | Added by: RainyDaySponge | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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