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Main » 2006 » December » 19 » 7 X 7 is - U.S. garage singles
7 X 7 is - U.S. garage singles
Here are seven singles (a & b sides) from seven U.S. groups. Almost all are non-LP. I've included the links to other releases from these bands - and there are quite a few. The link for the 7"s is at the end of this post.

Burning Rain - Climb To The Sky/Crystal Colord Cloud
This was released in 1990 on Rockadelic in 500 copies. Psychedelia in the finest 13 Floor Elevators tradition. Burning Rain from Texas have at least 6 LPs, one of them you can find in the Teen Trash series (soon to be re-posted).

Pleasure Heads - Song For God/Clove Cigarettes
Pleasure Heads are a mystery to me. They only released this single on Get Hip in 1988, and then nothing was heard from them. Male-female vocals, steady beat and a killer guitar riff in "Song for God". Absolutely godlike.

Brood - Since He's Been Gone/You Got Me Crying
You can find the entire discography of these garage girls in previous posts, so there's no need to say anything more, except that this 7" on Stanton Park label from 1990 is non-LP. Absolutely essential.

Untold Fables - For My Woman/The Man and The Wooden God/Wendylyn/When The Night Falls
Again the very active contributors of this blog posted Untold Fables LP "Every Mother's Nightmare" (search for it in 100 Mirrors) and you must be familiar with them. This 4-cut 7"single is from 1987, and finds them a bit (but only a bit) calmed-down with touches of Byrds-ian guitars.

Marshmallow Overcoat - Suddenly Sunday/Tomorrow Never Knows
This is the band of Timoth Gassen, based in Tucson, Arizona at their absolute best period (1988). Groovy psychedelic pop from a true master of the genre. You can search 100 Mirrors for their 1991 release (as Overoat) " Three Chords...and a Cloud of Dust".

Petals - Mushroom Farm/Energy Panel
This is from 1990 on November Rain label. Plasticland related and ultra psychedelic of course, wait for the repost of their LPs.

Laughing Soup Dish - Teenage Lima Bean/Rainy Day Sponge
And finaly the absolute psychedelic single from the 80s, an incredible song on the A-side which includes in 5.09' all the myths and legends from 1965 to 1985, the Brit-psyche scene and the raw garage bands of the U.S. Rainy Day Sponge is the best b-side you could hear after all that. Again the inevitable link We are...the Dish LP.

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 3753 | Added by: RainyDaySponge | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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