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Main » 2007 » July » 1 » The Great Scots - The Great Lost Great Scots Album !!!
The Great Scots - The Great Lost Great Scots Album !!!
While determining just who was America's or Britain's greatest rock  & roll band will forever be in doubt, the list gets whittled down to one  name when figuring out who was the biggest group from Nova Scotia: the Great  Scots. From Halifax, the Scots cut three singles of wild punk music, loaded with  solid playing and great screaming vocals.

The group began officially in  1963 as the  Shadows, changing their name to the Beavers (all  wearing Mohawk haircuts) the following year and finally becoming the Great Scots  by December 1964. The original lineup consisted of guitarist Bill Schnare,  singer Rick McNeil, bassist Dave Isnor, drummer Gerry Archer and guitarist Wayne  Forrest. Hailed in the Canadian press as "Canada's answer to the Beatles," the  group flew down to California in 1965, looking for bigger horizons to conquer.  Working out of Hollywood during that time period, the group capitalized on their  Scottish heritage and wore Nova Scotian tartan kilts onstage, causing quite a  stir everywhere they played. Hooking up with producer (and Challengers drummer)  Richard Delvey, the Scots hit the charts with "Run For Your Life," "The Light  Hurts My Eyes" and "Miracle Worker," also issuing sides under the name Free For  All. No teenage primitive fuzz box and Farfisa organ garage band, the Scots  sported solid harmonies and a wide musical palette that embraced everything from  blues to rock & roll to a smattering of jazz.

Their fame in  California grew by leaps and bounds, doing guest shots on both American  Bandstand and Shindig!, being featured in various teen magazines, working  big package shows and receiving the key to the city from the mayor of Santa  Barbara, California. But the good times came to a quick end by 1967 because of  the Vietnam War. The members had permanent visas, meaning they were all eligible  for the draft. When Dave Isnor was plucked from the group and spent two years in  the American Armed Forces, the others members called it a day and moved back to  Canada. With all the members still living close to each other, the band still  reunites every Labor Day to play and reminisce about their short-lived heyday.  The Great Scots' ride on the show business rocket may have been a short one, but  for a self described "bunch of virgin kids from Halifax," it was the ride of a  lifetime.
by Cub Koda AMG

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 2222 | Added by: innocent76 | Rating: 5.0/1 |

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