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Main » 2007 » July » 2 » Breakout - 1969 - Na Drugim Brzegu Tęczy
Breakout - 1969 - Na Drugim Brzegu Tęczy
Breakout - 1969 - Na Drugim Brzegu Tęczy

1. Poszłabym za tobą
2. Nie ukrywaj - wszystko wiem
3. Na drugim brzegu tęczy
4. Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz?
5. Wołanie przez Dunajec
6. Masz na to czas
7. Gdybyś kochał, hej!
8. Powiedzieliśmy już wszystko
9. Gdzie chcesz iść...
10. Po ten księżyc złoty

This album is a classic of polish pop music, definitely one of the best pieces. A pillar of what is called BIGBEAT here in central europe (especially in former Czechoslovakia). The band Breakout was formed by phenomenal guitarist Tadeusz Nalepa after the breakup of his former group Blackout, and this was their debut album. Breakout is referred to as a blues-rock band, and we can find a lot of blues on this album. For example in a great blues song Nie ukrywaj, wszystko wiem, or in the opening track. The album also contains Breakout's classic hit Gdybyś kochał, hej, psychedelic elements in the title track, but also in the above mentioned opening one, beautiful Czesław Niemen's cover Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz?, another cover, of the former Blackout's song Gdzie chcesz iść, great songs Powiedzieliśmy już wszystko and Masz na to czas and a little joke with the closing track.

I love this album and I think you will love it too.

posted by Mr. Blues

Category: Prog/Classic rock/Blues | Views: 1950 | Added by: Lost-In-Tyme | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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