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Pierced Arrows live @ An Club 5.17.08

Would you think that Fred Cole got tired after all these years? Well, surely not if you were present this Saturday night at the An Club. From the first notes we knew that it's gonna be a good night. It proved to be even better. Fred, Toody and new drummer Kelly Halliburton hammered us with tons of raw energy, in a non-stop set (and two encores) that left everyobdy satisfied (they even played 'Dead Moon Night'!).

Fred Cole with Pierced Arrows is not breaking new ground, he's not moving so far from Dead Moon. The band is still a trio, the songs are still the naked, fast punk anthems he used to write all these years, the drummer is still in front with Fred and Toody. The only differences are that Toody now has a bigger share in the vocals (and she's much more convincing in this) and that the show was twice as fast and powerful, than recent Dead Moon's shows. I don't know if Fred wants to prove that he's not retired or something, but I do know that last night's show had more energy than many younger bands gigs (not to mention the feeling they transmitted, which is essentialy their trademark and the core of their music).


You can take a look at the playlist
(kindly donated by a good friend).
As you can see they played everything
from their album (available here).

I can add that, in their two
encores, they played some covers,
like "54-40 or Fight" and "Falling In
Love With You" (!) and, as a goodbye
present to the enthousiastic audience,
they played 'Dead Moon Night'
(although they obviously avoid
playing Dead Moon songs).

Fred Cole is always Fred we know and love, Toody was more rocking than ever, and I just have to say that Kelly Halliburton is one hell of a drummer - after over 1 1/2 hour of merciless and unstopable pounding he was as fresh as when he started.

Pierced Arrows opened their chest last night (celebrating their first anniversary as a band) and we saw that there's a rock'n'roll heart beating there.


Category: Music | Added by: RainyDaySponge (18 May 2008) | Author: Rainy Day Sponge
Views: 5119 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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