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Main » 2007 » January » 6 » Leaving Trains - 1997 - Favorite Mood Swings : Greatest Hits
Leaving Trains - 1997 - Favorite Mood Swings : Greatest Hits
1.  Cigarette Motel
2. She's Looking At You 
3. A Drunker  Version Of You
4. Black
5. What Cissy Said 
6. With Dr.  A.W.O.L.
7.  27 Days
8.  So Fucked Up
9. Temporal Slut 
10. Sue  Wants To Sleep
11. The Worst 
12. Any Old  Time
13.  Dude The Cat
14. I Love You 
15. Dream  Until You're Sore
16. Submariney 
17. Relapse,  Recover
18.  Fuck You, God!
19. Gas, Grass Or Ass 
20. Bob Hope 
21. Rock 'N'  Roll Murder
22. Kids Wanna Know 
23. Ice  Cream Truck
24. Osmosis
25.  Stowaway

Too many  indie bands have never really learned how to rock & roll. Fortunately, for  18 years, L.A.'s Leaving Trains have never forgotten. Not many of their eight  LPs have been true masterpieces (there is one for sure: 1986's killer Kill  Tunes, which serves up the first four tracks here); Singer/guitarist "Falling"  James Moreland, the band's lone constant, always insists on warts-'n'-all,  crank-'em-up, let-'em-fly productions. Hey, he was doing that long before it  became fashionable (before Sebadoh and GBV even formed), without ever resorting  to lo-fi home studio production. Every Trains record has sounded loud, not  cheap! So while Moreland can be accused of inconsistency, both in his albums and  his myriad lineups, there's no denying that Moreland's untamed, unwieldy,  humming punk-'n'-roll records have rumbled through a dozen post-R&B rock  & roll styles with real abandon. This collection leaves today's legions of  smug and ironic, or (most of all) horribly insular, one-dimensional bands  gasping in the restrictive boxes they've nailed themselves into. Thus, now is a  good time for a Trains overview -- a smart idea for a hit-and-miss band, too.  There's not a boring minute on this extended-length, 25-cut CD. Perhaps a case  can be made that two dozen tracks are AWOL, but FMS heads for the songs that  smack one silly in adrenaline rush and pent-up pounding. In your face? You  betcha! In short, Moreland wants to mess with you, because he thinks rock is a  challenge, an incitement, a need to get wild and free, not a polite party or a  postmodern reflection. This CD is the best evidence that Leaving Trains would  gladly destroy your party instead, with the sheer force of brash, soul, chops,  and attitude, and they won't wait around for your gratitude.


Category: Alternative/Punk | Views: 2287 | Added by: innocent76 | Rating: 4.0/1 |

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«  January 2007  »


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