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Main » 2007 » May » 24 » The Ghost - 1970 - When You Are Dead - One Second
The Ghost - 1970 - When You Are Dead - One Second

Not to be confused with the new Japanese band this  Birmingham collective recorded their only album in 1970, which displays a lot of  influences. West Coast US acid rock, early progressive music and folk all rub  shoulders on this polished album, originals of which are now highly sought after  by collectors.

Great Airplane like male/female  vocals..

1. When You’re Dead  (4:25)
2. Hearts And Flowers (2:54)
3. In Heaven (3:21)
4. Time Is My  Enemy (4:06)
5. Too Late To Cry (5:04)
6. For One Second (5:25)
7.  Night Of The Warlock (4:22)
8. Indian Maid (4:21)
9. My Castle Has Fallen  (2:57)
10. The Storm (3:36)
11. Me And My Loved Ones (4:09)
12. I’ve  Got To Get To Know You (4:02)

The Ghost formed in Birmingham in the late sixties.  They started out playing a heavish sort of blues-rock before they met up with  singer Shirley Kent who'd already recorded two tracks on a charity EP, The  Master Singers And Shirley Kent Sing For Charec 67 (Keele University 103) in  1966. Paul Eastment had earlier played in Velvett Fogg.

They recorded  their album at the end of 1969, spawning their first 45 at the end of the year.  When You're Dead was a strong song with a clear US West Coast influence. It was  hardly Chart material, though, so predictably sales were poor. The album came  out in January 1970. There's a clear contrast between the folk pieces that  Shirley Kent sings on like Hearts And Flowers and Time Is My Enemy, which in  style recall Sandy Denny's heyday in Fairport Convention, and the blues-rock  numbers contributed by the rest of the band, of which For One Second sounds the  strongest. Also worth checking out is the powerful Too Late To Cry. The album  has now become a major collector's item, partly on account of its rarity but  also on account of the breadth of its appeal to fans of both blues-rock and  folk.

The band returned to the studio in Spring 1970 to  record I've Got To Get To Know You. Another track from their album, For One  Second, was put on the flip, but when the 45 failed to sell the band slowly  began to fall apart. Shirley Kent left to pursue a solo career and eventually  released an album in 1975, Fresh Out, under the pseudonym Virginia Tree. I  haven't heard it but it's reputedly folkier than Ghost's output and featured  former band members Paul Eastment and Terry Guy on three of the tracks. After  Kent's departure, the remaining band members soldiered on for a while using the  name Resurrection but this later incarnation of the band didn't make it onto  vinyl.

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 2571 | Added by: ex-LiT-nikos1109 | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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«  May 2007  »


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