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Main » 2007 » June » 8 » Todd Dilligham - Astral Whelks (1995)
Todd Dilligham - Astral Whelks (1995)

Neo psyche masterpiece 1995
1 My Friend (4:00)
2 Laughing into a Teapot (4:20)
3 Arthur Woodcote (Is His Name) (5:08)
4 Pigshead (2:55)
5 Astral Whelks (10:56)
6 Circles Going Nowhere (4:03)
7 Janus (The End of the Peace) (1:15)
8 Janus (At the Gates of War) (12:52)
9 Even When (3:43)
10 The Turquoise Mountain (15:58)
11 Time Heal Me Now (4:56)
12 The Summer (4:58)
13 Sleepsong (1:45)
14 Arbon Close
astral whelks - album  credits
Todd Dillingham - Bass, Guitar, Keyboards, Producer, Main  Performer, Vocals
Andy Ward -drumming, genius, percussive
Yukio Yung - Bass, Keyboards, Vocals, Saxophone, Guitar
Mike Wedgwood - Bass on 8
Anthony Aldridge Violin
Peter Dillingham - bass on 12
Peter Giles - Keyboards on 8&10
1995's Astral Whelks is the album where North London D.I.Y.  psychedelicist Todd Dillingham moves away from the extended prog rock epics of  his earlier albums into a more concise brand of psych pop heavily influenced by  the freakbeat bands of Swinging London (the Creation, John's Children, etc.),  close to the same artistic neighborhood explored by the Soft Boys and the Dukes  of Stratosphear. There are still a few lengthy pieces (the title track is nearly  11 minutes, while "Janus at the Gates of War" and "The Turquoise Mountain" run  nearly 13 and 16 minutes each), but even those are based around catchier  melodies than you're likely to find on, say, an Emerson, Lake & Palmer  album. Peter Giles of Giles, Giles & Fripp, the band that mutated into King  Crimson, plays keyboards on these lengthier pieces, adding to their progressive  credibility. The remaining 11 tracks range from not quite two minutes to just  over five, and they're uniformly fine psych pop. Indeed, the banjo-laced  "Pigshead," which sounds like one of Michael Nesmith's later Monkees songs, and  the swirling "Laughing Into a Teapot," featuring backing vocals by Dillingham's  mate Yukio Yung (Yung's Chrys&themums bandmate Andy Ward is the album's  drummer), are two of Dillingham's best songs ever. The others range from the  early Pink Floyd-style heavy rock of "Arthur Woodcote (Is His Name)" (a  different version than the one on the German EP of the same name) to the  delicate, spacy "Time Heal Me Now." Not all of the tunes are winners, and this  album's follow-up, Sgt. Kipper, would explore this psych pop territory in even  more entertaining fashion, but Astral Whelks is one of Todd Dillingham's most  enjoyable efforts. ~ Stewart Mason, All Music Guide
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Many thanks to Todd and his  brother Mick for creating and sharing this music

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 3155 | Added by: janisfarm | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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