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Main » 2007 » June » 11 » Kryptasthesie - 2000 - No Age
Kryptasthesie - 2000 - No Age
Kryptasthesie - No Age

Audubon would kill his birds then he would draw them - capturing their beauty in death. Kryptasthesie has accomplished the same thing. "No Age" is the last dying breath of one of Italy's greatest psychedelic bands. Over all they have done over the years, THIS is the idealized statement by this band. A large part of the success is singing in their native Italian, which is truer to the band than earlier records that employed English. I believe that language just is not a way of communicating ideas but it also shapes your thinking. Thus, when the band previously used English, it seemed forced whereas now the vocals are working with the music (not against it). The band seems to want to put everything into this record. They get atmospheric with "ALH84001" and rock like a modern Pink Floyd (meddle era) in "Il Tao Della Violenza" and get techno with "Tutto Passa". It seems that when you get this good you've got nowhere to go but down like a brilliant asteroid on its way to its eventual breakup. Lets hope that the remnants that have shattered on impact are as brilliant as their source.

Originally posted bu 00i00

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 2002 | Added by: 00i00 | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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«  June 2007  »


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