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Main » 2006 » August » 9 » Les Baroques - 1966 - Les Baroques
Les Baroques - 1966 - Les Baroques
LES BAROQUES -  Same (1966, Whamm records )

Super rare 1966 Dutch R'n'B garage vinyl-album  that sounds like classic '60's US  garage punk with really great fuzz guitar and keyboard work. Driving powerful  songs with a very cool attitude.

Also, there a some particularly groovy  instrumentals.

In addition there  are some r'n'b tunes with the moody psychedelic flavour.
Nice laminated sleeve front (not on the back)  and excellent quality  sound.

One of the greatest  groovy Dutch albums that ever issued in 60's !

It's simply a marvellous album  !!

Strongly Recommended  !!


1.I Was Wrong  (Gary O' Shannon-Peter Shot)
2.Real Love (Gary O'  Shannon-Peter Shot)
3.Frankie's Blues (Frank  Muyser)
4.Troubles (Ted  Powder)
5.Too  Long (Gary O' Shannon-Peter Shot)
6.O-O, Baby, Give Me That Show  (Gary O' Shannon-Ted Powder)

1.My Destiny (Gary O'  Shannon-Peter Shot)
2.Silky (Ann Derson-Gary O'  Shannon)
3.Cascard (Rene  Krijnen)
4.Why  Did She Go (Gary O' Shannon-Peter Shot)
5.Too Shy To Say Hello (Gary O'  Shannon-Peter Shot)
6.Girls enough (Gary O'  Shannon-Peter Shot)

Recorded in 19 and 21 July  1966
Technicians  : Gerard Beekers-Jan Audier
Prerecording Control: Ted  Powder

Les Baroque's  Story:

In 1959, this  formation from Baarn had already been playing under the names: Modern Teenage  Quartet and Hurricane Combo, but they remained unknown until 1965 that name is  changed as Les Baroques.
The  first single ''Silky'' flops.
With actions in the Netherlands and  West-Duitsland the band works in the course of the year steadily for live a  reputation.
In the winter of  1965/1966 directs Frans Ruhl the twenty minutes lasting Brake down film, with  Les Baroques in the head role. The group plays among other things ''Such a  Cad'', the single which ends up at the same time with the film.Already also the  characteristic that Rob Out of the then still omnipotent veronica behind the  prerecording buds zat has not worked, certainly to the prejudice of the success.  ''Such a Cad'' has not yet disappeared from the top 40 if the continuator  appears.
''I Know'' become the  hit of Les Baroques.
After  having recorded a handful of excellent singles, they appeared at the Grand Gala  du Disque in 1966. Members at that time were:

Frank Muyser (Leader, Battle Jet Ear, Mouth  Organ, Saxophone)
Rene Krijnen  (Organ, Piano, Clavecimbel)
Robin 'oaks'Muyser (Bass)
Gerard Schoenmakers (Gary O'Shannon)  (Vocals),
Hans van Embden (Solo  guitar, Electric Balalaika),
Raymond Geytenbeek  (Vocals,Drums).

In September 1966 singer  Gerard Schoenaker (Gary o Shannon) must in military service.
In 1967, Ferdy Karmelk temporarily joined the  group, playing guitar. Michel van Dijk (ex-Minds, Mads and James Mean) replaced  Gerard, who started his own Gary O'Shannon Group.
Furthermore,in 1967,the first single of Les  Baroques with Van Dijk, ''Working On a Tsjing-Tsjang'',only stands beginning  1967 only one week in the top 40 of the four singles which appear the remaining  two years.

As from 1968 the  later Herman Brood-guitarist Ferdy Karmelk determine hamper milk part of the  band. If tests Krijen in May 1968 no longer come show up, Robin Muyser after the  actions in Zermatt and Montreux go away and Raymond van Geytenbeek gets a good  job as graphic designer it has been done with Les Baroques. With two other one  band's members (John Dankmeyer and Bartter Lak) goes hamper milk briefly further  under the band name Island.

The bezetting changes in this period  continuously. Guitarist Hans van Emden plays during its last concerts rather  behind curtains or beside the podium because he wants performance no longer in  public. Publicly him cannot see for this reason during its solos. He loses its  interest for headstock music and changes to end 1967 the band for the academy in  Hilversum where he studies traditionally jet ear and lesson will give. Frank  Muyser take over the role of Van Emden. To be game is such that during an action  in Nieuwkoop in December its brother Robin puts him from the band. With that are  Les Baroques manager also their lost and go it rapidly bergafwaarts with the  band.
In 1969, after a  considerable period of inactivity, the group was in imminent danger of breaking  up.
Still for a few more months,  it featured the line-up of:
Ferdy Karmelk (Guitar,ex-Tee  Set)
Bart Terlaak (Drums,  ex-Daddy's Act)
Jan  Dankmeyer(Bass, ex-Flower and Nonesuch),
and also Michel, Rene and Frank.
When the group finally folded, remaining members  Jan, Ferry and Bart changed the name to Island.


SINGLES:  (Original Issues)
Silky/My lost  love 1965,Europhon Records
Silky/A new life born 1965,Europhon  Records

Such a  cad/Summerbeach 1966,Europhon Records
I know/She's mine 1966,Whamm Records 
I'll send you to the  moon/Troubles 1966,Whamm Records
Working on a tsjing-tsjang/Dreammaker 1966,Whamm  Records

Bottle party/Bread  1967,Whamm Records
Love is the  sun/I dreamed my dreams away 1967,Whamm Records

Indication/When you're feeling good 1968,Whamm  Records

Without feeling  without mind/
Pardon me I think  I'm falling 1968,Whamm Records

Such a cad/Silky/
Bottle party/I dreamed my dreams away 1972, EP 

Without feeling without  mind/Indication 1974

Albums:  (Original Issues)
Les Baroques  LP, 1966 Whamm Records
Barbarians With Love LP, 1967 Whamm  Records

Vinyl ripped by Optical Sound  in wma file

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Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 5612 | Added by: Optical-Sound | Rating: 5.0/1 |

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«  August 2006  »


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