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Main » 2006 » August » 12 » Mr. Flood's Party - Mr. Flood's Party (1969)
Mr. Flood's Party - Mr. Flood's Party (1969)
Mr. Flood's Party

Ripped@320Kbps By Arcadium

Mr. Flood's Party
s/t (Cotillions)
[1969] Northern Travel/Déjà Vu/Advice/The Prince Of Darkness/Simon J. Stone//Stanley's Tea/The Liquid Invasion/Garden Of The Queen/The Mind Circus

Jay Hirsh
Michael Corbett
Freddy Toscano
Rick Mirage
Tom Castagnaro
Marcel Thompsen

I was surprised to find myself liking this album as much as I did. It's a great psych album from 1969 that is fairly difficult to find. It's found some following among psych collectors, but never really took off, perhaps because of the creepy old man on the cover and the questionable choice of the groups name "Mr. Flood's Party." It certainly doesn't scream excitement. Very heavily influenced by British bands like the Beatles, it's a great listen all the way through and well worth checking out.

Mr. Flood's Party

Our detectives suspect this is a Long Island band because of exhibit A, which we'll get to in a second. Mr. Flood's Party was on the Cotillion label. Members included Jay Hirsh, Michael Corbett, Rick Mirage, Tom Castagnora, Marcel Thompsen, and Freddy Toscano. This last name brings us to exhibit A, the back of an album by a band called Frogs For Everybody. Freddy Toscano's name and picture are clearly seen on this on this Long Island band's jacket leading us to believe that Mr. Flood's was also a bunch of Islanders. Both albums are on the country side; Frogs For Everybody more so.

Originally posted by Arcadium

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 4415 | Added by: Past-Contributor | Rating: 5.0/1 |

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