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Main » 2006 » November » 27 » G.F. Fitzgerald (UK) - 1971 - Mouseproof
G.F. Fitzgerald (UK) - 1971 - Mouseproof
G.F. Fitzgerald - Mouseproof (1971) UK

This album was  recorded with help from Rod Herman (guitar), Alan Place (guitar), B.J. Cole  (pedal steel guitar), Rik Kenton (bass, later in Roxy Music), Ian Andrews  (bass), Geoff Leigh (sax, he appears in avant-garde albums by Slap Happy, Henry  Cow, Hatfield & The North, etc.), Tony Turnbull (drums).

Fitzgerald,  G.F. [UK]
Mouseproof (70)

Influences of Frank Zappa, Captain  Beefheart, Bonzo Dog Band, Soft Machine, etc.
In addition to Gerry Fitzgerald,  album features Sam Gopal and Lemmy (of Hawkwind).

Many years ago, no doubt in  the dead of night, some intrepid freak climbed fly-like up the walls of the  defunct International Film Theatre in Westbourne Grove and pasted up a poster  which read "Mouseproof Is Music".

Many times did I gaze fixidly from the top  of a number 15 bus at the mysterious cat wearing shades, peering through the  bars in the poster. And now the mystery is perceived; Mouseproof is an album by  ace alchemist and cat-handler Gerry Fitzgerald, featuring some very notable  little riffs by such famed performers as Lady June Campbell-Cramer on Etheopian  Nose Harmonium and Cochise Brian Cole on Electric Hair slide and coal scuttle.  Best track by far is one called "Factory Sample Not For Resale", obviously  written to wobble the frontal lobes and tickle the medulla, it works  too.

Overall effect of the album is like  crashing a car into a ditch on acid and then finding that you're unhurt, except  for a broken finger nail, and that needed cutting anyway.

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 2346 | Added by: janisfarm | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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«  November 2006  »


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