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Main » 2008 » June » 9 » Rocket Park - Teenage Folklore (1999) & The Effects Of Eating Too Much Television (2000)
Rocket Park - Teenage Folklore (1999) & The Effects Of Eating Too Much Television (2000)

A bit of classic rock, a bit of prog, a hint of psychedelia, a spirited whiff of punk, and a whole lotta rock 'n' roll.

The CD, called 'Teenage Folklore' and showcasing the band's love of pure pop, punk, glam- and prog-rock and the combination thereof, along with the confidence to get fancy with them, is pretty impressive for a debut release. Guitar, drum loops, percussion, keyboards, drums, bass, pretty harmonies, etc., merge smoothly, and over the course of the album, the band repeatedly pulls out engaging ideas. Kudos, again, to Mike Martin at the Broom Factory for an excellent recording job; 'Teenage Folklore' sounds incredible." - Randall Roberts, the Riverfront Times, Wednesday, September 15th, 1999

Rocket Park is a band that sticks out like a sore thumb in any crowd. While other bands carefully strive for genre purity and aesthetic homogeneity, Rocket Park revels in all its messy contradictions. Bassist Dave Harris whips up the crowd with his rock star/party animal leanings while lead vocalist/keyboardist Brian Andrew Marek brings a delicate, unashamedly artsy sensibility to the proceedings. Drummer Eric Moore generates enough charisma and visual pizzazz to make him seem like a frontman while guitarist Steve Minnis lurks in the shadows, coaxing sounds both beautiful and frightening from his Les Paul. The music itself defies description - a bit of classic rock, a bit of prog, a hint of psychedelia, a spirited whiff of punk, and a whole lotta rock ‘n’ roll - but no matter what the pedigree of its individual elements, the music remains very accessible, very addictive, and very fun. As a result, Rocket Park has found itself opening for a truly eclectic variety of headliners: Saigon Kick, the Marshall Tucker Band, Jimmy Buffett, the Fixx, Alex Chilton and the Strokes!

Rocket Park was originally formed in 1998 by Brian Andrew Marek and Eric Moore as a studio project, but an enthusiastic reaction to their first tentative shows (with original guitarist "Manik" Myk Thompson and bass player John Sebben) encouraged them to pursue the separate but equal worlds of recording and live performance side by side. New dimensions in confidence, tightness and energy were brought to the band when Sebben was replaced by former Free Dirt bassist Dave Harris in 1999 and, more recently, when Steve Minnis took over guitar duties from Thompson.

To date, Rocket Park has released two self-produced full-length albums (1999’s Teenage Folklore and 2000’s The Effects Of Eating Too Much Television) and appeared on three St. Louis-based compilations (Axes & Snaxes, Better Than Fruitcake and Pajama Party), earning rave reviews from the critics, a growing curiosity from the general public and even nominations for the prestigious Slammies music awards. The band’s music has been heard on numerous stations (both commercial and otherwise) across the St. Louis radio dial, and a surprise hit of the 2000 Christmas season was "Rudolph the Redneck Reindeer", Rocket Park’s warped melding of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and Lynyrd Skynyrd’s "Freebird" (found on the aforementioned Better Than Fruitcake compilation)! Rocket Park continues to win local fans through its masterfully crafted studio concoctions and energetic live performances, but recent times have seen the band "taking the show on the road", with the result that St. Louisans are no longer alone in knowing and enjoying the first class, multi-faceted, over-the-top rock ‘n’ roll that comes from Rocket Park.

visit Rocket Park's site

In Brian Andrew Marek's own words
I'd describe the music as "eclectic pop rock with frequent progressive rock leanings (of a melodic/symphonic/compositional nature moreso than virtuosity)". The guitarist wants to be Jimmy Page, the drummer wants to be Keith Moon, and the keyboardist (moi) utilizes an arsenal of vintage keyboard sounds rivalling Rick Wakeman's stage setup circa 1973. The songs, production and harmonies may remind one of Electric Light Orchestra, and Mellotron junkies (of which I am one) are advised that the second album ("Television") features the string and flute sounds we love so.

Pleased listeners interested in owning physical objects and/or rewarding our efforts can buy either album at, but if you don't, that's fine as well. We're much more interested in having a discerning audience listen to and, hopefully, enjoy our music.

Yours in the joy of music and the freedom to listen,

Brian Andrew Marek
currently of Bargain Basement
and, coming soon, The Village Green Preservation Society

We will always support the artists whose main concern is how their music will reach a wider audience and not how to make money out of it.
Lost-In-Tyme team

Category: Prog/Classic rock/Blues | Views: 2304 | Added by: RainyDaySponge | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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«  June 2008  »


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