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Main » 2008 » June » 24 » E-Types vs. Mystic Tide
E-Types vs. Mystic Tide

"...I was first introduced to the Mystic Tide in the early 80's via a compilation on EVA records that had 2 life changing songs by the Tide, I also got a great album also from Eva that paired the Mystic Tide with the great San Jose, California folk-rock group the E-Types. However back then little was known about the Mystic Tide, I used to wonder who the hell is Joe Docko and why is his face not a part of Mt. Rushmore."  (Dave Furgess at Head Heritage)

Mystic Tide were from Long Island, and as we've learned from their well documented history, they released four singles from 1965 to 1967 and then they absorbed by the black hole that eats great music and spits collector's items. Their side in this LP, is so varied that if we listen to their tracks without looking at the credits we could never tell that's the same band: from the british beat sound of "I Search For A New Love" to the 9 1/2 minutes of eastern scale improvisation on "Psychedelic Journey" and their take on early psychedelia in "Frustration" there a huge distance, especially for the short period of their activity. Listening to Mystic Tide, I can easily understand why Dave Furgess is wondering.  These tracks were released again (along with new Docko's songs) in "Solid Ground...Solid Ground" on Distortion label (1994)

The E-Types were formed in Salinas, California and were very popular in the area for a couple of years in the mid-60s. The core of the band were Bob Wence and Don Shepard, while their friend Larry Hosford, wrote several of their "hits". The E-Types would certainly took the Beatles side in a hypothetical Beatles vs. Stones war, but as you can listen for yourself there were not at all immitators: their vocals, their guitar rifs and their original tracks are some of the best of the "softer" side of 60s garage (like a mix between the Zombies and the Turtles is the description of R.Unterberger). Recently Wence revived the E-Types and recorded an album (released on CD under the title "Chase The Moon")

This is the LP-only split release which contains the singles of both bands and came out in 1984 by the French EVA Records. Enjoy them both in an excellent, clear rip at 320kbps, that will satisfy even the most demanding of you.

review by Rainy Day Sponge
Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 3138 | Added by: afroclonk | Rating: 4.0/1 |

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