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Main » 2008 » June » 25 » The B-Sides demo
The B-Sides demo

Three chord garage punk from 1966, straight to 2007 (when this demo was recorded).

The B Sides are a fairly new group (formed at the end of 2006) yet, they've already developed a following in the club circles of Athens. With a strong set of well selected covers and some originals that would fit perfectly in any 60s compilation, their live shows are not to be missed. Three of the five members are not new to the scene (they've been to the Odd Mods, Yesterday's Thoughts and Psykicks)
But what makes them exceptional is their sound: this swinging farfisa of Apo 66, the balanced rhythm section of Lefteris and Panaramone and the hard working guitar of John, and above all the voice of Maria, sometimes husky and "mean", sometimes sensual, create the garagehead's wet dream: 2-minute 3-chord anthems for the teens of all ages, played with love and knowledge.

This 8-song demo was recorded not long after their start, yet we can listen all of the above, (some still in the stage of developement). But even in this early demo we find some true gems (like their own "Hey Mister" or their cover of Unrelated Segment's "It's Unfair"). The band's sound today is much tighter, much wilder and the band is much more self confident. In fact the B Sides are the only current garage band I know of, that could be play Prodigal's "You Got Me" after the unbelievable version of Brood 20 years back - and this means a lot to me.
Anyway, listen to this demo and have patience, waiting for their first album: the band is in the studio right now, doing the recordings for a release scheduled to come out at the end of 2008.

Maria: Vocals
John: Guitar
Apo 66: Farfisa Organ
Lefteris: Bass
Panaramone: Drums

Hey Mister (B Sides)
It's a cryin' shame (B Sides)
And I cry (B Sides)
It's unfair (Unrelated Segments)
Want-a-love-you (Jerry and the Playmates)
Wait 'till the summer (Illusions)
Knock on my door (Primates)
Flash and Crash (Rocky and the Riddlers)

I intended to write something about why a today's band would play 40-years-old-songs and why a music fan would listen to this music today, but then I thought that no-one needs theoretical explanation about the music he likes. The only annoying thing with this kind of bands today is that they trying to be something they're not. Fortunately the B- Sides are totally true and unpretentious to what they're giving to us: they're playing the music they love, they have fun and, although their songs are about break-ups, cruel women and bad men, everybody's happy!

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 2150 | Added by: RainyDaySponge | Rating: 5.0/1 |

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«  June 2008  »


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