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Main » 2008 » August » 16 » Maffitt & Davies - 1968 - The Rise and Fall of Honesty
Maffitt & Davies - 1968 - The Rise and Fall of Honesty

Maffitt & Davies - 1968 - The Rise and Fall of Honesty

(Capitol ST2999)

Tracks :
1 Just Like A Woman 5:04
2 Landscape Grown Cold 4:06
3 Big Time Man 2:30
4 Kingswood Manor 3:52
5 Time Of Towns 3:53
6 Forest Lawn 3:14
7 Tom Thumb's Blues 5:25
8 City Sidewalks 3:18
9 You'll Never Know 3:57
10 Lungi Dal Caro Beni 2:37

This is a case of an album that is better than the Common People and in a much better sleeve, but one where "Subtle" and "delicate" are the words to sum it up and not the heavy freak out you'd expect from the insane cover art of the duo amidst armageddon and a haunted house. With nearly all the songs cover versions including two by Dylan, but most old country standards you are instantly surprised when you hear what is done to the songs. The music on this record is very soft and extremely ancient sounding folk-psych with slight country tinges and sound effects. The music gets better with age and has the same dreamy quality of the wonderful Gandalf although in a different setting altogether. "Just Like A Woman" and "Tom Thumb's Blues" are done brilliantly, and this is a solid album. The gentle, spooky vocal approach is very nice and so are the arrangements including some backwards tapes and ringing 12 string guitars. For fans of soft folk psych and also fans of early country rock this is a rare and a really good one.
~Ben Blake Mitchner - Acid Archives

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 3057 | Added by: afroclonk | Rating: 5.0/1 |

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