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Main » 2008 » August » 22 » August - 1968 - August
August - 1968 - August

Six vinyls on Pokora's Record Collector Dreams, no entry in Fuzz, Acid & Flowers, this is surely pretty rare (even the Shadoks reissue was in just 450 copies and long OOP).

August was a trio (maybe from NJ), that poses with a giant sunflower on the cover and their sole record contains some of the best flower pop (with nice touches of psyche), you've never heard. Not unlike Soapwith Camel's LP or Dovers mLP, August created a teenage garage-pop sound, based strongly on the British beat, but there's also some Buddy Holy hidden beneath the beats and the boyish vocals.

It was released rather late for this style, and it may lacks the song that would stick into our ears, like "Hello, hello", "Frantic Desolation" or "She's Gone", but as a whole, it's approaching the two records mentioned above. Listen to it from start to end and you'll be in 1966, without getting off your chair.

Outstanding tracks: "You Say Love Dear", a mix of Kinks and garage, the speedy, pulsating "In Time You Know" and the great cover of "Eleanor Rigby" (although it was treated like a beat track, it retains its melancholic nature).

Opa-Loka, review by Rainy Day Sponge

Category: Psyche/Garage/Folk | Views: 3164 | Added by: Lost-In-Tyme | Rating: 3.0/1 |

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«  August 2008  »


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